Thank you! I hope reason will prevail however, why am I still very nervous that our Supreme Court, which is no longer impartial, will once again, shock us with its loyalty to Donald J Trump?

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The congressional branch failed in dealing with Trump. Now it’s up to the courts. Unfortunately, the justice system moves slowly. The country must now wait patiently as the recipients of McConnell’s bargain.

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This is the preview that 'splains the whole upcoming event in plain English terminology. I'm very much smarter now than I was before reading this article. The most impressive prosecution argument seems to revolve around the rejection of the Nixonian president-above-the-law assertion.

Once Jack Smith demolishes the First Amendment whitewash defense argument, he needs only show that criminal prosecution of ANY officeholder is indeed constitutional.

Where will the smart money be going?....The prosecution.

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Well documented legal case against Trump. To the point! Time will tell whether Trump goes to prison or gets away with his crimes. It is amazing how Trump is handled as opposed to ‘Everyman’ who might be in the same or similar situation. Trump is treated ‘special’ even though he is No Different from anyone else in the USA.

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