John Bolton, who was on the brief trip in which Trump met General Caine, said the entire dialogue (and hat incident) were fabricated

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Well from where I stand it looks like he has won and us leftists have lost. Every single activist defending democracy that takes to the streets over the next 3 years is another tick in Trumps playbook. He wants friction, fear and anger on the streets because he will use that against them. He will crack down harsher on public protest, probably bringing in the military toward the end of his term. Every outrage I read now is nothing compared to how people will feel in 6 years time when the courts are populated by kangaroos and Trump is still in power.

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Defending duh-MOCK-racy?

America is not unique because of "democracy." Both Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler were creatures of "democracy"! Democracy is merely a tool for making decisions. It is not some "shining city on a hill."

Our RIGHTS are what makes the US unique, and we have them IN SPITE OF "democracy"! Our rights are not subject to revocation because a majority does not support them but because a mere majority must ENDURE them. The majority must DEFEND them, even if they don't like others having the same rights as they do.

The purest form of "democracy" is a lynch mob, for everyone in attendance agrees on the outcome except for the victim!

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Lovely comment and very insightful. What will you do when Trump stays in power at the end of his 4 years without an election? Celebrate?

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I'm thinking; I'M THINKING!

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I am less concerned about Trump’s trampling on Americans. We are strong, resourceful, and resilient enough to survive the onslaught. I am, however, very concerned about how Trump is destroying our relationship with the rest of the world and flipping the respect we’ve earned since our inception for our hitherto-now steadfast and consistent support of global values.

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Janet Mills :“I'm going to comply with state and federal law,”

Trump: "Well, I am – we are the federal law,”

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I swing between the desire for one normal day and knowing I must face what is here. Trump is one thing but it is the tech bros we need to fear.

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Exactly. Trump/Vance/Johnson are their useful idiots.

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Isn't it always plutocracy that rages against "liberty and justice for all? In the Feudal Era, in the time of massive slave labor, in the "Gilded Age", and now?

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I only fear that in four years the game will be over. It is not just policies involved here, but fundamental changes that may be impossible to undo. Looking forward to four years hence is to blind oneself to our present situation.

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We need strategy, and tactics.

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L'État c'est DUH!

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Smells a bit MUSK-y in here!

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Redolent of despotism.

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Thus spake the royal "wee-wee."

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We all hope that the revelation that Trump really is, and always has been, Putin's Puppy will finally be the bridge too far that we have been expecting for 11 years. However, The Republicans have already given away their power and have allowed bunch of criminals to be the enforcers of laws that they don't follow. Will the army come to Trump's aid when the protesters march in the streets. Will the FBI arrest anyone who opposes the president? What will happen when they indict Jack Smith as an enemy of the state? We will probably know these things within the next month. Are Trump's treasonous acts of betrayal enough to sway four Congressmen and four Senators to keep America a democracy, or will we have to begin serious strikes and demonstration. 80% of Americans don't want to be on Putin's side. Is that enough?

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We'll see.

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Thanks, Jon - Walter Huston as proto-dictatorial U.S. president was an eye-opening visualization.

Yes, as frightening as it seems that both Lincoln and FDR tested the waters of autocracy, it's still safe to assume that each was never committed to a full-scale monarchical presidency as is King Donald the First. We are in for a damn scary ride in 2025 and beyond.

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Let’s consider changing that title to King Donald the Last…

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Clear headed thoughts .

We can stick together and stay strong and support people on the margins and learn from historical movements.

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Thank you, Jonathan, for the factual history lessons outlining how many times we have screwed up, risked everything and somehow managed to rally and survive. Everywhere I go, everyone with whom I speak (often in hushed tones) share the same fear that we have gone to a dark place from which there is no return. History tells us that like the phoenix we will rise again. Of course, there will be scarring and pain, but we will rise again. We must stick together, fight where and how appropriate and trust that those of us who are committed to the common good will prevail.

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Encouraging, but I’m reluctant to count on elections happening even in 2026. We mustn’t relax during this apparent surge of patriotism among the citizens. Thank a so much for the truthful, fact full, piece!

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Looking forward to reading his obituary. That is all.

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I doubt he will last four more years. He is decaying from within from his own rottenness and it's just a matter of time before they cart him off the cart path

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If nothing else, we all need to put the squeeze on Congress, particularly the Republicans and pound a constant drumbeat of reminding them of their cowardice in not using their power against Trump and Musk. They are intolerable cowards who afraid of an evil president Dems need to put the pressure in too. Let’s inundate Thune with letters and phone calls.

Thanks for the history lesson Jonathan. Keep writing and more often please.

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My Senator, Chris Murphy speaks quite forcefully against the crisis Trump and the TrumPublicans have wrought on us. My House rep is also a Dem and progressive. Beyond thanking & giving them support, I’m left to wonder:

Do Republican representatives in other states care when someone outside of their district writes them? I think not. This dilemma reminds of a response from VP Dick Cheney during the early years of his Iraq War. An interviewer told him that polls show the US people don’t favor the war. Cheney’s reply: “So?” The interviewer then moved on to another topic.

Would letters to Senate Majority Leader Thune or House Speaker Mike Johnson have an impact? Thune, maybe; Johnson? Doubtful he would betray MAGA and his fellow Christian nationalists. Unfortunately, MAGA nation needs to feel the pain of their leaders’ actions, to the point where they say “enough!”

In the meantime, we resist and strategize to win back both house of OUR govt in 2026.

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I live in a red state and every time I reach out to my senators and representative I get a BS letter or email telling about the positive things Trump is doing and asking for donations. I am now calling them daily especially Thune. I’m reminding him that we have three co- equal branches of government and the many ways he’s failing to lead according to the Constitution. Hawley, Grissen and Wagner won’t have town hall meetings. I love Chris Murphy.

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