There is no doubt that the committee proved its point. However, there is great doubt that anything will come of it. Those who needed to watch the hearings most likely did not. They don't care. They love Trump like the Germans loved Hitler.

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Yes, and Trump doesn't ever disappoint the right - now he's berating Jews as foreigners who need to emulate radical Christo-fascists.

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History will not be kind to the Trump White House, the insurrectionists, the MAGA crowd, and especially the Republican members of Congress (with few exceptions). The day of infamy Jan. 6, 2021 will forever be seared into the American consciousness. The record, as you have detailed, is clear. If this were a case of wartime military justice, the seditious Trump would quickly be tried and found guilty. We would thankfully be spared his tedious, excessive lawyering, and so could resume a semblance of regular order in our political life. As it is, however, we must hope for a swift resolution and a moratorium on his pathological assaults on democracy.

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