“Maybe OUR supporters have the right idea.” (Emphasis added). So he he knows they’re his supporters. Can we shut up about Antifa now?

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Thanks! This is excellent!!

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If Trump doesn't go down in flames I will lose all faith in this country to right this listing ship. Mr. Alter, I had cancelled my subscription because I was worried about money issues, but I gotta hang out with you. You're too interesting to give up! Thank you for this great column.

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Great piece, I hope you are correct that Garland will prosecute Trump. Not doing so is unimaginable and would be counter to the law, which Trump clearly broke. Read Lawrence Tribe!

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Back in the day, Democrats and Republicans could be collaborative in governing and would be social friends as well. My husband and I were on the other side of the aisle from Dick and Lynne Cheney, but they did a heck of a job as parents. Thanks for Liz. (and Mary).

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I don't for a moment believe Liz Cheney's career in politics is over. I'm not a fan of hers by any means, but that staunch integrity has to be of value somewhere. For that, I greatly admire her. She's tough as nails.

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I agree wholeheartedly with your contentions.

I was really stunned (but I should not have been stunned) that multiple legislators asked Trump for pardons. They wanted pardons because they knew they might face criminal liability.

When Barr said Trump's fabrication about a stolen election was "bullshit," it was like getting a shot of adrenaline. I was energized, elated, effervescent with glee

ONE OF THINGS I WANT TO KNOW (If someone knows, please tell us): The Republican Governor of Maryland, Hogan, said that he wanted to send forces from Maryland (I think it might have been the Maryland National Guard) to the Capitol to defend it.

Governor Hogan said his request to help was REFUSED.

Who told Hogan that Maryland forces could not defend the capitol ???

I heard Hogan say this on television shortly after Jan 6, but I don't remember the details, i.e., which specific individual(s) told Hogan that Maryland forces were not at liberty to defend the capitol from the insurrectionists.

I hope Hogan testifies.

I thought Nixon was a fink. Trump makes Nixon look like Saint Francis of Assisi.

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"“I was getting called from the leaders of Congress pleading with me to get our Guard into the city,” said Hogan of the attack, which left five people dead and disrupted the certification of President-elect Joe Biden. Hogan said it took three hours to get approval to send Maryland’s forces."

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Jon, your first draft on this historic night of revelations is full of texture and truth.

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Alter once again nails oit.

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