Our democracy is set up to assume decent people will be our leaders. When we normalize indecency, and even reward it, as the Republicans are doing, politics becomes a septic tank. This is a defining moment this coming week with the mid-term elections. In my opinion, the American people were "groomed" to accept and vote for Trump by the popularity of the mob show The Sopranos. That seems simplistic; but at the base of who we are, Americans are simple people who will always buy tickets to a Kardasican circus. The chaos alleviates their boredom and depression. Anger is self-medication for despair. We have to promote reading, education, decency and simple everyday kindness to get out of the septic slush.

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Is the American public like the frog in the water in the pot on the stove? As political deviancy gets hotter and uglier, will the country jump from the pot - or remain in denial of the heat and the danger? The time to jump is past due, but Nov. 8 is coming soon.

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Next January, my county in Colorado will become part of Congressional District 3, due to redistricting. The incumbent rep. is Lauren Boebert. I am now able, therefore, to help remove her deviant ass from Congress. My ballot has been cast and counted already.

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