Mar 20, 2023·edited Mar 20, 2023

Many Americans recall the deep concern felt for the Iran hostages during the Carter administration. I was no exception. After their return to the U.S., I sent a congratulatory letter to former Deputy Sec. of State, Warren Christopher. His gracious reply (as private citizen), dated March 16th, 1981, follows:

"Dear Mr. Vincent" (my legal name then and now)

"Now that I am back in private life, I want to express my deep though belated appreciation for your very thoughtful note about the Algiers negotiations."

"Many able people were involved in this endeavor, under President Carter's close direction. I was fortunate to have had an opportunity to play a role, and deeply thankful that the long nightmare is over."

"All through the negotiations, especially when success seemed so remote, I found reassurance in sensing that we had the support of people like you throughout the nation. I shall always be grateful."

"With regards, Sincerely, Warren Chistopher"

Of course, I still keep his kind letter safe with my keepsakes.

I am not surprised that Reagan and his operatives would exploit and subvert the diligent work of Carter and Christopher's team in the Algerian negotiations.

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So thorough and well-written !

No wonder it took you soooo long to complete the book.

Quality takes time.

Thank you for this reminder, given today’s NYT reporting.

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