Donald can tell himself he’s a great debater and he can get Sean Hannity to lie to him and tell him he’s great, but obviously he is not. Donnie is not smart. He’s not articulate. He is not able to marshal facts and figures and put them into understandable statements. Most importantly, he can’t stay focused and in control of himself. Last night was just more proof that he’s intellectually unfit to hold public office.
Kamala CRUSHED him. As this t-shirt says: "Kamala removed stubborn orange stains" last night 👇 🤣
I’d hate to be the aide who had to clean him up. He had an expression on his face that looked like a three year old who went doody in his diaper. I believe Adam Kinzinger wasn’t exaggerating. I think he went several times.
Response to the better off question: well the millionaires and the billionaires sure are. Not so sure about the middle class because the Republicans have controlled the House. We’ll work to change that by reducing household costs and making the rich pay their fair share ot taxes.
I don’t know what these things are, but they are not debates. People continue to watch them expecting discussions of policies, and then they’re disappointed when it’s just a jousting match at best and a pig sticking contest at worst. Vice president Harris does have policies that she is proposing and we need to get the details out to those undecided voters.
Donald can tell himself he’s a great debater and he can get Sean Hannity to lie to him and tell him he’s great, but obviously he is not. Donnie is not smart. He’s not articulate. He is not able to marshal facts and figures and put them into understandable statements. Most importantly, he can’t stay focused and in control of himself. Last night was just more proof that he’s intellectually unfit to hold public office.
Kamala CRUSHED him. As this t-shirt says: "Kamala removed stubborn orange stains" last night 👇 🤣
So much BS so little time.
Everyone in America, except Jonathan Alter, knew that ABC News was planning a High Tech Lynching masquerading as a debate.
If you are a potential voter and you did not know that QueMala Chameleon :
1- has allowed over 15,000,000 unvetted illegals into our country
2- has adopted the green new hoax and plans to ban gasoline , coal and LPG
3- will forcefully and violently confiscate our firearms
4- seeks a nuclear war confrontation in Ukraine against Russia
5- will usher in socialism/communism
then you have been living in a Foxhole and or your brain is fucked up beyond recognition (FUBR)
You have been warned - govern yourself accordingly
Same old tired playbook.
Appreciate you confirming that your brain is FUBR, big time .
I’d hate to be the aide who had to clean him up. He had an expression on his face that looked like a three year old who went doody in his diaper. I believe Adam Kinzinger wasn’t exaggerating. I think he went several times.
Great column, Jon. And Kamala did it all without getting vulgar at all.
Thanks, Ted
Response to the better off question: well the millionaires and the billionaires sure are. Not so sure about the middle class because the Republicans have controlled the House. We’ll work to change that by reducing household costs and making the rich pay their fair share ot taxes.
I don’t know what these things are, but they are not debates. People continue to watch them expecting discussions of policies, and then they’re disappointed when it’s just a jousting match at best and a pig sticking contest at worst. Vice president Harris does have policies that she is proposing and we need to get the details out to those undecided voters.
Good point, Tom
100% agree. Masterful performance in every way. Complacency is not in order.
You are right. I kept thinking “why” until I read Dr. Bandy’s Trump’s Mind and America’s Soul.
I'll check it out...
“everyone who cares about this great but infuriating country “
Thanks to Jerry Rafshoon for an indelible image!
Jonathan: Splendid! Tom
Thanks, Tom!
Castrated or not, Trump kicked her ass. It's time to understand why. See my take at
Good point
As an ex-cop, can you tell me, Al, why so many cops are for Trump after 1/6....It's like they "back the blue" unless it's a coup...