I just bought it. My wife and I voted as soon as early voting started in Tennessee. We’re Democrats in Tennessee, a state that’s so gerrymandered our votes really only count in presidential elections. But we vote every election anyway

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You worked for the old Newsweek, didn’t you? I’m 64 and think I remember your being a reporter for them. I miss that magazine.

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Thanks for buying it, Fetzer!

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My book is on the way. You were great on Colbert👍

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thanks, Nancy!

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630 PM, 11/1: I tried to delete or edit my comment below, but it wouldn't work. I see you are on Halperin's show right now.

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Just finished your excellent book on the trump trial and your political education. My parents too worked for Adlai.

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Thanks, Walt! I have enormous respect for you and your great contributions to journalism.

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living in a blue dot in a red sea otherwise known as new orleans, i don't know what door knocking would do but you, my old friend, made me make one final contribution which the daily barage of email appeals had not done.

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Glad to hear it, Dave!

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Nov 1
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Thanks, Suzanne!

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