Well you should write Bibi, and see what he thinks of your position.

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Jonathan, I have to congratulate you for driving the MAGA-cult and Putin's stooges (FSB and GOP) out of their minds here simply by writing a thoughtful and smart piece. Those are good techniques and I'm sure the Biden campaign is already on it, because unlike TFG, Biden actually DOES know how to hire the best people.

His record is impressive and they cannot stand it. The economy has rebounded and Trump is going down again when the quiet majority drop kicks him once and for all onto the dust heap of history.

Biden is fine, his memory and cognitive abilities are sharp, even if he occasionally like anyone makes a gaffe. At least he doesn't think Nikki Halley is Nancy Pelosi.

I am looking forward to Biden debating Trump and destroying him as he did last time, because Trump does not know anything about real policy. Not a damn things and Biden can smoke him all day. I'm also looking forward to his laying out the whole of the MAGA GOP coward brigade in the House of Reps at the State of the Union as he did last year, when in a matter of minutes before they knew what had hit them he'd made them promise to not cut Social Security and Medicaid.

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You obviously love Biden and the Democrats quest for power more than you love America. You are no journalist as you make plain. You are a partisan paid to write fawning coverage of those you support on the left. Whatever that is it is not journalism so at least be honest in that one thing as you lie to Americans about the rest. Nothing you write can be trusted. Might as well read what Jill Biden has to say for "balanced" coverage of Ole Joe as she, at least has the excuse of being married to the corrupt lying politician. You should be ashamed to be so corrupt.

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The "No Excuses" paragraph leaves out that Biden did have counsel with him and apparently the Attorneys did not object to the line of questioning or the reasons for asking questions. This fall directly as the responsibility of Biden and his attorney's and handlers. I recall just 8 months ago when my mother was diagnosed with dementia and the outbursts and rage she had when she was told of her dementia. Deja vu all over again. I was telling people in 2020 that Biden was showing signs of dementia. Remember there is no cure and dementia is a one way ticket, as dementia is a disease that eventually kills its host. Unfortunately, in our political climate and Biden's inability to understand the devastation of dementia we are stuck with him a war in Ukraine, a war in Gaza, inflation, debt, and a group of progressives that are the true president of the USA. After watching my mother having dementia is extremely tiring, although she did nothing toward the end, she woke up tired. Joe is likely tired, give him the rest he deserves and allow him his dignity in the last yeas of his life.

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Wow, the only person on the political left that knows that the USA is a republic and not a democracy. I will continue reading as you seem to have some depth when all the other political left writers have the depth of a sheet of paper. I wish there were moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans that would be able that would be willing to compromise in the best interests of the USA

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Dude, i have eyes - Biden has lost his agency, he walks, talks, and processes like an elderly man with signs of dementia. Uncle Joe is not, nor has he ever been an extraordinary human being; he's just another angry old fart.

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Alter is an archetypal modern progressive - a soulless power monger who understands how corrupt their methods to stay in power are but simply believes the ends justify the means. His seeming insouciance to how characterless his callous article makes him appear is disturbing. Sadly, he is not alone in his perversity.

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When you say that you have spent a lot of time with Biden and his gaffes are just more of what he has done for years, you sound credible. When you then go on to say he is a terrific President, you lose ALL credibility. There is not much Biden could have done worse.

You can start with the war in Ukraine, started on his watch. His “minor incursion” comment was mind-bogglingly stupid, deaf, and dangerous. The media has tried to make it disappear but we remember. His allowing Nordstream II to re-open was a dangerous appeasement. Similarly, his cowardly refusal to give Ukraine the weapons it needs at every stage of the conflict has extended it and caused twns of thousands of deaths.

Move on to Iran and Gaza. We can just say that appeasing Iran has been a DISASTER, just as appealing Putin (re-opening Nordstream II) was in Ukraine, and led directly to war.

His fiscal policy is a horrorshow - sky high inflation AND interest rates! People losing real income every week — from gas prices to groceries!

Follow that up with his corruption investigation and his son’s obvious influence peddling operation. You can pretend it’s innocent, but his son will likely be in jail next year if Joe doesn’t pardon him.

I understand that Progressives, Liberals, Moderates and Conservatives all have different priorities and preferences. But, in the end, results are what matter. The FACT is that there are two hot wars being fought by American allies in key strategic theaters than can both be traced to Biden’s policy of appeasement. Prices for all goods and services are fully 20-30% higher or more across the board, and most people’s incomes have not gone up anywhere near that much.

Three years in, to call Biden the most successful President of recent times is just gaslighting.

You need to be honest. It isn’t just the fact of his age and decline. It’s the RESULTS.

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Ah, to live in the imagination of the Democratic faithful, where Amy Klobuchar would effortlessly wipe the floor with Trump, and the only problem with Joe Biden is that he’s not being marketed right. And I’ll never get over this Clinton-era belief that Dems have to run as far to the right as possible to avoid “divisive” progressivism. If they’d gotten behind Bernie is 2016, the Trump candidacy would be an amusing historical footnote.

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I DON’T think that it is the most important issue facing the country, but it is still important. I don’t think you understand though, that the abortion issue is a powerful draw for some Democratic-leaning voters who might be inclined to stay home otherwise. This is the same strategy that Bush II used in 2004 with the gay marriage issue and it might have provided him with his margin of victory in that tight election. They didn’t think that was the most important issue either.

Where is it written that we must only campaign

on the most important issues?

I also would rather see campaigns that are high-minded debates on the real issues. That rarely happens and this year Trump guarantees that this will be an epic shitshow. I didn’t make the situation but you can’t avoid it.

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Biden Saves Republic

Dewey Defeats Truman

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I’m starting to wonder if Alter also has cognitive issues, or perhaps his vision is distorted by blue-colored glasses. Biden has moved past the “emperor has no clothes” stage. I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden turns up one day soon as the President who has no pants.

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This ignores the big elephant in the room, his lack of empathy for what is going on in Gaza. All that negates this view of him as a person in charge, who is taking great decisions, and able to judge good from bad.

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I think the writer of this article is living in fairy tale land and is trying to have it both ways.

If Biden is competent, as the writer claims, then he should stand trial for the "willful mishandling" of classified documents, spread across his house and garage next to broken furniture and dog crates (yes, the pictures are in the 345 page report if you care to see).

If he's not competent, then he should step aside right now, for the good of the country and the world.

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I also met Biden in the early nineties, and to claim that he hasn't had cognitive decline since then is the epitome of hyper-partisanship. For all his gaffes over his career, Biden was still considered very articulate. No one ever made reference to his childhood stuttering. Though now Biden can barely finish a sentence without rambling incoherently. It's actually very sad. He may not have full blown dementia as Republicans claim, but he has had serious cognitive decline. He doesn't process information anywhere near as quickly as he use to...and does have difficulty recalling information.

As for the Trump is also having cognitive decline issues. That's hardly a compelling strategy. Two wrongs don't make a right. If you really want to call attention to Trump's own issues, you replace Biden at the convention somehow someway with someone whose alacrity is undeniable.

And no way do you let Biden do unscripted interviews let alone debates. His past gaffes are a lot different that his mental lapses and discombobulated ramblings. Any and every pause, gaffe and incomplete sentence is only going to further reiterate Republican talking points. People in the hyper partisan blue tribe are in serious denial if they think otherwise. The majority of the voters, who are now independent, will see through all of your hyper-partisan drivel, and aren't impressed by the lesser of two evils strategy which is what seems to be the Democratic Party's only strategy at this point. ...that is nothing but whataboutisms.

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Wishful thinking

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