Let's not forget that a lot of Trump supporters WILL NOT come out and vote in the midterms because Trumps is not on the ballot. Also, a lot od deplorables & Trumpsters died from COVID because hey were not vaccinated.

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Glad to see someone who remembers the old Boston Braves mantra. Let's not forget Pogo's words of wisdom.

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That's a helluva note - young unmarried men voting D to protect abortion rights - but if it works for them, it works for me too.

I agree with your Occam's Razor argument - turnout buys the win. And perhaps the looming presence of TFG will transform the voters' mindset into thinking that this is a pseudo-presidential election year, thus creating boffo turnout. Bingo for Democrats!

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Will the Paul Pelosi physical attack affect the midterm vote? Of course, it will. Nancy Pelosi garners much respect across party lines, despite being the target of absurd conspiracy theories. Voters can be expected to react in sympathy with the victims of spurious right-wing violence. In generic terms, Democrats should benefit.

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