This is such a great idea, make them regular calendar events. And have Dems in all 435 districts - where repubs are too afraid to face their own VOTERS and constituents - that’s right you thugs, ppl who live in your district and did not vote for you are your CONSTITUENTS!
I like the idea a lot. It will be interesting to organize in Alaska. Such a large, completely red state, even down to its two senators and 1 representative, and only 4 major population hubs. But if DNC can get it organized, I'm in.
I love this idea! It would be so cool to see this evolve into a collaboration with state/local/cbo’s where constituents can access community resources. The silo-ing between fed/state/local agencies and electeds limits people’s ability to access public programs resources and information.
Hey there are plenty of blue voters in red states and we are trying to move the dial at local and state levels but we are gerrymandered to hell (seriously, look at the maps for Texas, it's gross). Don't write all the people off now. That's part of what's created that problem to start with. When the DNC can't be bothered to support candidates for all offices in red states, the Dem candidates get ridiculously outspent and they lose (assuming there's even a Dem candidate running in the first place) and eventually the voters figure the Democratic Party doesn't care about them so they get sucked in by Republican party propaganda. Honest conversation and messaging via town halls can change that tide. Biden only lost Texas (Texas!!) in 2020 by 600,000 votes and our corrupt AF attorney General has bragged about suppressing turnout and votes in one of our biggest Dem strongholds to make that happen.
Along these lines, consider also Jason Egenberg’s ideas, presented here:
That's a great idea!!!
This! And like Bernie Sanders just did in MI and WI, go into the red and purple districts with strong messengers.
This is such a great idea, make them regular calendar events. And have Dems in all 435 districts - where repubs are too afraid to face their own VOTERS and constituents - that’s right you thugs, ppl who live in your district and did not vote for you are your CONSTITUENTS!
Get this to @AdamKinzinger 💙
This is a great idea!
Excellent idea!
Love love love this idea Jon. Let’s get started on it!
I like the idea a lot. It will be interesting to organize in Alaska. Such a large, completely red state, even down to its two senators and 1 representative, and only 4 major population hubs. But if DNC can get it organized, I'm in.
Let’s get Robert Reich and Bernie Sanders on it!
This should be on your “must do”
Excellent plan.
Love this! We need this in Arizona where our reps are Republican
I love this idea! It would be so cool to see this evolve into a collaboration with state/local/cbo’s where constituents can access community resources. The silo-ing between fed/state/local agencies and electeds limits people’s ability to access public programs resources and information.
No red states allowed. We’ve already seen and heard their 1939
Hey there are plenty of blue voters in red states and we are trying to move the dial at local and state levels but we are gerrymandered to hell (seriously, look at the maps for Texas, it's gross). Don't write all the people off now. That's part of what's created that problem to start with. When the DNC can't be bothered to support candidates for all offices in red states, the Dem candidates get ridiculously outspent and they lose (assuming there's even a Dem candidate running in the first place) and eventually the voters figure the Democratic Party doesn't care about them so they get sucked in by Republican party propaganda. Honest conversation and messaging via town halls can change that tide. Biden only lost Texas (Texas!!) in 2020 by 600,000 votes and our corrupt AF attorney General has bragged about suppressing turnout and votes in one of our biggest Dem strongholds to make that happen.
My R rep wouldn’t think of holding a town hall now, if he never has this past decade.
Please, talking to the dem reps from my state, hold a town hall in every district. Start w AZ1.