Jul 21·edited Jul 21

Very relieved that Pres. Biden has withdrawn from the 2024 presidential race. His administration is historic for many reasons, including the significant fact that his election demolished the autocratic threats of Donald Trump - for at least four years.

Looking forward, Vice Pres. Harris will bring enthusiasm and vision to the presidential race. If she is nominated and elected, she will be in a strong position to be re-elected in 2028. This will ensure Democratic incumbency in the WH for many years (an essential case to preserve democracy in America).

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Yes, I agree with you

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Jul 20·edited Jul 21

In the last 2 days, Democratic California representatives Adam Schiff and Zoe Lofgren, and Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio have called for Pres. Biden to step out of the 2024 race for president. These are very high-profile Democrats who see a clear need for a younger, viable candidate to chase Trump back to Mar-a-Lago for good.

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Senator Mark Kelly should be Dem nominee for president. (I am from SC and have no ties to him.). He can beat Trump, which is essential. He was an astronaut. His wife (Gabby Gifford) was shot…neutralizes Trump’s ear and gives creds to gun position. He was an independent until fairly recently, which attracts moderates. Supports women’s right to control their bodies. He’s 60…enough with the old guys. Then a governor from swing state for VP…Shapiro from PA or Whitmer from Michigan. This election is too important to lose.

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I couldn’t watch either. Is Jonathan right here or is he just’hoping

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I couldn't watch, but the WSJ basically said Trump went off the rails and lost the audience in the meandering second half. If Joe does decide to withdraw and we have the younger candidate, Trump's seemingly irresistible tendencies to meander is the morass of MAGA untruths will throw his own age issues into focus (fingers crossed)

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Yes, the comparison would be stark!

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Trump hates fat people. Maybe he will make insurance companies pay for Eli Lilly's drugs and require waistline measurement as they do annually in Japan since 2008. Japan is a foodie culture where obesity is 3% and OURS is 60% or more. Just as only 26% of us elect the President but everyone screams about protecting our great democracy, the phoniest part of America is what Bill Maher call our third rail-- obesity. Trump says he will get rid of the Department of Education. Whoever is elected should get rid of the CDC ( cost to taxpayers of $11BILLION); they created the fraud of 42% obese. If we can see just by looking -- no stats required-- the huge bloated American bodies while ONE Billion starve-- and we cover it up then who cares about our democracy where citizens are too lazy to vote. But they binge.

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As a certified fat person, I'd like to point out that I have never missed voting a general election, munching Chee-tos and swilling diet Pepsi all the way!

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Like Emily, I couldn't bear to watch even a single second of the RNC all week. Too many lunatic, seditionist anarchists for my taste.

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Just read this … The misspelling on the jacket, which instead says "Compertore," was not the fault of Trump. The Buffalo Township Volunteer Fire Company confirmed it was his gear and that it was sent to Trump, which the former president shared in his speech. While the volunteer fire department gave no reason for the misspelling, it responded to a reader who pointed out the mistake on its Facebook page, noting that it “was in error years ago, and it was left that way by Corey.”

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That's an important clarification

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Great writing, Jonathan. I especially liked your blending in the T.R. shooting. Only the copy of T.R's speech and eyeglasses case kept the bullet from penetrating farther--as I recall. But I simply hate, hate hate when people compare Trump to T.R., and it happens a lot because of T.R.'s bull-pit speaking style. Since I've done tons of talks about my narrative history WHITE HOUSE WILD CHILD, I always point out it's important to understand what a good president is. Theodore Roosevelt had character. He said he considered himself a "moralist" rather than a "party man." Historian Adams said T.R.'s flaws were like the knots on a great oak. Yes, we will win in November but it has to be a landslide so the orange reptile cannot refute the numbers. Shelley Mickle

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It was a hideous performance I had to make myself watch. Thankfully, tRump couldn’t help himself. I hope you are right. Something must happen soon. Ah for the days of smoked filled rooms…

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What "the leadership of the Democratic Party" needs to understand is that many of us in the rank and file will vote for Democrats this time because the alternative is so grim. But given their shabby treatment of Joe Biden, we will be carefully evaluating where our loyalties lie going forward.

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When I wrote this back in July, I was very angry at what seemed to be excessive pressure on President Biden to withdraw from the race. His incredibly noble decision to pass the torch to Vice President Harris and her masterful handling of the opening phases of her campaign have convinced me that the Party is in good hands.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Fidel Castro, e.e. cummings, and Donald Trump walk into a bar...😁😁😂

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"It had been a good day, as the leadership of the Democratic Party moved en masse against Biden staying in the race." I can't believe you think this is a good thing. What about the 14 million people that voted for him in the primary? Don't you think there's going to be some repercussions? Don't you think that forcing out the duly elected winner of the primary is going to seem like some kind of election subversion? Why can't we all just rally around Biden and support him?

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Jonathan, I am so very disappointed in what you have been writing about Biden, that he should leave the race. Very very disappointed.

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Jonathan was right in 2022 when he begged Biden to drop out on his show

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I'm looking forward to seeing Kamala clean his clock on the debate stage.

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En fuego, Jonathan! And I think you are right. Once again, Trump's political amateurism betrays him. Any other longtime pol capable of becoming president, would have ridden the Covid pandemic to a landslide re-election. It was a crisis, but one that no one could blame the president for, and all he had to do was show competence and empathy. No could do. And no can do now. A true pro would've expressed sympathy toward Biden's evident diminishment, and pretended to wish him well. Not Trump. We still have a fighting chance.

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