May 21·edited May 21

For nine insufferable years since the infamous 2015 escalator descent, Trump's New York wannabe political mafia has foisted itself upon gullible, ignorant, mostly small town or rural voters, who live mainly in the South and Midwest U.S. This ugly regime has retained its regional power by employing a mix of theatrical and propagandistic tactics by which they have, in turn, bamboozled, confused, and victimized large swathes of American voters.

Today, a nucleus of 12 good faith jurors from the Orange Don's historic New York City breeding grounds will attempt to finally overthrow the degenerate bad faith actors of Trump, Inc., and restore the path to American liberty for all.

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The trial is a fiasco. When are you going to admit it? It is helping to elect Trump. Tell me how this is any different from the mess that Bill Clinton got into with Lewinsky? MoveOn.org, which used to employ Biden's press secretary, was founded to MOVE ON from what was a stupid political prosecution of a president who used terrible personal judgement in what was nevertheless a consensual relationship. Please tell me how this is different. Trump is at most guilty of misdemeanors. People in glass houses...

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Well? You still hold that opinion this morning? The prosecution shot down the defence's "big moment" then the star defense witness caused the court room to be shut down for his abhorrent behavior.

Trump is headed for a felony conviction and the GOP is extending its decent into total chaos and likely oblivion.

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and it will be overturned on appeal. Then what?

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Duchess, are you a realist or just another knee-jerk cynic?

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Falsifying documents, especially in pursuit of altering an election, are serious crimes in NY. All the rest is media fluff, spin and yadda yadda.

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The non-lawyerly way I see it, is that the truthfulness of the affair is basically to support Trump’s motivation. The actual facts of it’s happening or not is secondary to falsifying documents and falsely influencing the campaign. The trial isn’t whether or not he had an affair - it’s the cover-up part and whether he himself directed it. (That’s the way it sounds to me anyway.)

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Not just covering up either, but falsifying documents and using them to influence the election.

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