I'm still interested in what people think about this approach....Am I right?

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How would you compare the mostly peaceful protest on Jan 6 that then got slowly but wildly out of control over the course of a few hours vs the planned armed assault on the White House in the summer of 2020. That planned assault (Dem sponsored and funded organizations BLM and Antifa supplying bricks and bombs and other weapons…) which was tolerated for weeks until it finally got out of control…? So question is—without sounding like a complete hypocrite, how do you compare Jan 6 vs this weeks long siege in front of the White House (official US Gov building) where armed organized violent planned protestors burned the historic church across the street from the White House, destroyed valuable government and private property recklessly, breached the perimeter of the the White House, injured some 300 secret service agents, and resulted in the decision made to rush the Chief Executive of the United States, the Commander in Chief, to be rushed to the bunker. A violent protest that went on for weeks with the tacit (no outrage) endorsement of the Dem Party in Congress and the Dem Mayor. Pls compare and contrast..

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This country faces a stark choice between now and the 2022 mid-term elections -

Will we be the city on the hill or the fool on the hill?

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The Democratic Party lost it’s spine in 1980 and has never been on offense since. The Party spends more energy fighting its Progressive base then fighting Republicans. And the awful truth is that Democrats are largely complicit in the creation of the political environment we see today. Democratic Party leadership is simply awful.

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Well said, Jonathan. If the Democrats continue to leave the attacks to individual officials, they put those folks at risk. There needs to be uniform, hard hitting attacks and branding on the GOP, the Party of Trump is the Insurrectionist Party.

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Thank you for the image of Joe Biden and Stephen Breyer smoking a joint. I needed that on an election night when both the Sussex County and AP computers crashed.

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