As usual, Chris Matthews brings clarity to a murky political climate. For, me he has always been the political soul mate of my old classmate, the late Tim Russert. The more we hear from Chris, the better.

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Hi, JoAnne. That’s all very plausible!!!!

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I'm very happy to "hear" Chris again in this interview. I'm reluctant to prognosticate on the distant 2024 presidential election, but I'm weak, so I'll prognosticate:

Trump is as washed up as radioactive flotsam on the Florida beach. DeSantis will get the Republican nomination, and Biden will defy gerontological expectations to win the Democratic nod. The pretender, DeSantis, will succumb in the general election to a well-researched oppo media campaign. Biden's win will be made possible by the aura he will have gained by keeping the MAGA mania on the fringes for the previous four years.

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Thanks, Tom!

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great interview Jon.. Tom Cronin

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