Trump is disgraceful AND disgusting.

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Finally, a cleat photo of that supposedly wounded right ear. Healed rather nicely.

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I’m praying he has a very short life.

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Well we know what history will say about him. Traitor

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A life sentence of disgrace is what we will live out if we keep letting this S.O.B. run Lady Liberty and Lady Justice into the common grave the Orange dictator will dig for us nd our progeny.

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He always looks constipated!

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Great read!

My grandpa made your goat 😉. Dan says hello!

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"That and his recognition of the threat of global warming lend a tragic dimension to the 1980 election."

Moron,in 1980 the CIA was crowing about how the COOLING climate was going shorten the growing season in Ukraine and cause famine.

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Wanted to share this piece with you—it’s about how we keep falling into the outrage trap and how to fight back strategically. Would love to hear your thoughts.

Check it out when you have a minute.

Thank you.


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Found you through the Contrarian. Good article.

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The first time I saw Jimmy Carter on TV I said to myself - Now, that's a decent man! And I was right. I voted for him (my first and last vote for s really long time) and I've never regretted that vote. He did more for people than any president could hope to do. He actually helped "the little man"! May he rest in well-deserved peace~🕊️

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If he only cared

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Jon, My son, the "freelance philosopher," played the newsboy in the first scene of Our Town in a little theater production when he was in elementary school. So, obviously, I saw every performance. I agree with you about the play. Also with what you said about the unCarter.

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